
Orthodontics, which means “straight teeth” in Latin, is a branch of science that examines not only teeth but also teeth and jaw-face relationships together.

Most orthodontic disorders can be prevented by regular check-ups starting at an early age. In conscious societies, interventions at an early age and adequate oral dental health education have led to a significant reduction in tooth loss and dental crowding in later ages.

The relationship and function of our teeth and jaws in the correct positions is a very important factor affecting all our respiratory and chewing functions. Orthodontics comes into play at this point and helps us to fulfill these functions at an optimum level. Treatment planning is made with the records taken before the treatment (measurements, photographs, jaw and face x-rays, computerized tomographs if necessary) and the necessary treatment is applied with the mechanics suitable for the planning. The treatment period lasts between 1 year and 4 years depending on the severity of the case. The average treatment period is 2 years.

Orthodontic Treatment in Children

While it is necessary to intervene in jaw problems (skeletal) in children at an early age, only in cases of irregular teeth, jaw development can be expected to be completed for treatment. With the advancing age factor, the treatment period may be prolonged. When your child is approximately 7 years old, it is necessary to determine whether he/she needs treatment or not.

Orthodontic Treatment in Adults

There is no age restriction for orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment can be applied to anyone with healthy bone tissue surrounding the teeth. The brackets glued on the teeth can also be made of tooth-colored porcelain. Thus, the brackets cannot be easily recognized.